So, what is Fingerprinting in the context of Threat Intelligence?

Think of it as creating a unique signature for a threat actor.

This signature is built from patterns, behaviors, and technical artifacts that repeatedly show up in their operations.

These "fingerprints" link malicious activities to known APT groups.

It can be from actual payloads to defense evasion techniques, spanning the entire cyber kill and software supply chains.

Fingerprinting in Threat Intelligence is similar to Active & Passive Fingerprinting,

like how vulnerability scanners enumerate system information, identify keys, and recognize potential vulnerabilities.

Where this can get difficult, let’s first talk about TTP:

But... doesn’t that summarize a LOT of APTs?

Yes, at the surface it does. However:

Fingerprinting adversaries for patterning and identification.

I have a lot more to write....

JA3/JA4+ suite & signal detection HASSH? User-Agent Fingerprinting FP-Stalker Ecrypted Traffic Analysis WebRTC Fingerprinting

I suppose the TLDR; if you do something online, you leave a signature. If we attribute that well enough, we'll find you.